wind force weak

Notes on "Team Topologies" by "Matthew skelton" & "Manuel Pais"

Teams as the mean to delivery

The problem with org charts

Conway's law and why it matters

Team First Thinking

Dunbar numbers

Build a Team "API"

Team topologies that work for flow

Static team topologies

Team antipattern

The four fondamental team topologies

Stream aligned

Enabling team

Complicated subsystem


Choose Team-First Boundaries

Evolving Team Interactions for Innovation and Rapid delivery

Team Interaction Modes





You should aim for a long lived "Team first" approach. When you design teams, have in mind the topologies and the communication they will used. Teams should adapt, exactly as a code that can't evolve and adapt is a dead codebase, a teams that can't adapt his topology or communication is a dead team. You can refactor code, you can also refactor teams. Have in mind your team API ("documentation, onboarding, methodologies, "way to organize", etc.."). Make the Conway's law work at the company advantage